27 September 2016

Where has this year gone ??

OMG!!! Where has this gone ?

It is already the end of September and in 3 months time it will be the end of 2016. Can someone please rewind this year for me please ??

Working from home has not been easy for me and I am still struggling to find my balance believe it or not.
For all those who does not know I work for a family member doing bookkeeping. And this has its peaks.

Pros - I get to collect my daughter Laiqa from school, She gets to spends school holidays in the comfort of her own home and I more time with her. I can work at any time of day or night.

Cons - loads of work and underpaid!

 Well the pros outweighs the cons any day as I would do it in a blink of eye for my daughter.

Enough about my personal life and lets move on to my blog, which has been severely abandoned. I have wrote notes, reviews and ideas on several occasions but always got caught up on something or the other. I know blogging is a lot of hard work and I just refuse to give up on mine!!!

Here is to hopping to be more frequent in future.

Happy Spring Beauties

Till next time.

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