19 January 2016

Life right now

Wow it seems like a while that I have not done a post.I know I am like 19 days late but better late than never right ?  I would like to wish every one a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. May this year be way better than the last.

My resolution for this year is to be grateful for what I am  blessed with. Life is a constant struggle for many of our love ones and friends. It would certainly not hurt to be kind to strangers or anyone we meet .
Through out December my ADSL line was down until last week. So it was really bad as I could get nothing done. Really glad that it was fixed though.

My little girl started grade R at school last week Wednesday for the first time. We have never been apart for more than 2 hours. So yes I was petrified on how she would cope without me. But she seems to love school more that I thought. She actually cries to stay in school as I collect her at 1pm.
Well she seems to be fine without me and me on the other end misses her like crazy.

I work from home doing bookkeeping. I have been inundated with tons of work as the financial year end approaches.I really love working from home with flexible hours. But it does have it tolls eg late nights. 
I am struggling to maintain balance and manage my time more efficiently.

I feel that I have really abandoned my blog. This is my personal place, where I feel I can share my thoughts and reviews.  I would not want it to drown amidst life's battles. I am really going to try and improve my blog in content and do more blog posts once I find my balance. And I would really love to do some giveaways as well. ( Please note my reviews of products may or may not be new or latest releases as I tend to horde and forget about goodies that  I may have purchased a few months ago.)

End of It all, I guess everything will work out as nature intends :)

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